Every Tuesday
The Broke and The Bookish challenge us to share a top ten list. Today's challenge is to share your ten favorite blogs or websites that are not about books.
My favorites are as follows (listed after memory, not by prioritization!):
- please press the photos to visit the blog!
Suzy is a very sweet lady with a lovely blog. She's a great photographer and makes very much very sweet stuff! Just a very nice place to be! |
Cherie shares beautiful photos and heart and soul reflections. I feel blessed every time I stop by!
Kathy is a great photographer and writer! Her texts are often funny and with great wisdom! |
I just love the photos he shares from his amazing nature and wildlife! Amazing work!!!
This is a new blog or me, but I'm amazed of what I have seen: A really great photographer and a very wise 16 year old girl!! I know I will be blessed by following her blog! |
A blog about garden and interior, not my favorite themes, but she's got a beautiful garden and I love her photos! Not to mention all her five very beautiful kids!!! She's one of my best friends, and I enjoy it when she shares her family life in her blog! |
This is also a new blog to me, but I really look forward to follow her! She writes about the "real stuff" in life: Faith, relations - all from the heart! A heartwarming and beautiful blog! |
A very nice blog! She is the host of Scavenger Hunt Sundays, and she does an amazing work on that!! I'm so grateful! She also a great photographer and a good writer! |
A mother's blog guaranteed free from cake recepies and interior ideas.
Just a beautiful (and recognizable!) blog full of humor! AMAZING! |
Fattigbakeren - "The cheap baker" - my beautiful niece share recepies and how to bake witout spending lots of money. And she's a very good baker, so it's well worth a look! |
My friends - ENJOY some new (or maybe some familiar!) blogs!
her var det mange bloggere jeg ikke har besøkt før og noen jeg har besøkt:) Fin blogg liste:) Skal titte innom de:) Ha en flott kveld:)
SvarSlettMange bloggger jeg ikke har lest. skal sjekke de ut:)
SvarSlettSV;Bare hyggelig:) Mehlum er en forfatter jeg kommer til lese mer av og har allerede lånt enda en bok til som er skrevet av ham:)
Her var det mange flotte blogger jeg ikke kjente til fra før. Stilig med en liste over "ikke-bok-blogger" :-)
SvarSlettOi, her var jeg innom nå for å sende deg en liten hilsen...Så jo du hadde vært innom bloggen min,og fikk så lyst til å besøke deg her...og så tenkte jeg, når jeg begynte lese innlegget ditt at "så fnt, nå får jeg mange nye fine bloggtips" - og det fikk jeg!! Men så skvatt jeg litt også når jeg ser du har skrevet om min blogg tilogmed!! Jeg ble skikkelig rørt og gla for det!! Og overrasket! Tusen takk, skjønne du, det varmet veldig!! Og takk for alle andre tips. Så håper jeg du har en god dag - og at helgen din blir full av sol både inne og ute ;) mange klemmer til deg fra meg :)
SvarSlettpst. sjekk bloggen min i dag!! :))